Another Tasty Bento!

So all of these bento recipes that I’m posting on here I’m making for the first time. I might make a bento and not even like it but I’m still gonna post it because there’s someone out there who will like it! My latest experiment is pork and cabbage stir-fry with rice garnished with pickled ginger. Due to this experience I have come to the realization that i HATE pickled ginger. The rest of it was good though, especially the tamagoyaki (sweet rolled omelette). I’ve never had this kind of pork before and it smelled a little weird while it was cooking so I was kind of scared, but it turned out great. The last little side dish in there is sauteed carrots. As always, my cute lunch is housed in a beautiful bento box from Bento&co.



Some Tips for Beginners

My favorite website for all my bento needs is Bento&co. They have super cute stuff for reasonable prices and they always have a coupon or a sale going on. I also purchased two bento cookbooks, “Kawaii Bento Boxes” and “Bento Love” by Kentaro Kobayashi.The recipes in them are super easy and all the ingredients can be purchased in your local Asian market. Some of the stuff might sound or look a little weird if you’re not familiar with Japanese cuisine but I can assure you they taste magnificent.

I Love Bento!

So I’ve made a couple of Bento lunches since I posted the first one on here, but this one definitely looks the most like a Bento. It’s the best one I’ve made so far actually, as far as taste and looks go. It’s Spaghetti “Napolitan” as the main dish, octopus sausages (which didn’t turn out right cause I cut them wrong.) decorated with kawaii panda picks, cherry tomatoes, grapes, baby apple rabbits, cheese and agar jelly. It is all presented in the beautiful bento box I purchased from Bento&co.